Why do most of the heart attacks take place between 3 and 4 am?

 In most cases, we noticed that heart attacks occurred in the early morning like 3am to 4am, this is because we are more nervous at night. That's due to our bodies producing a large amount of stress hormones in the late evening. When you are stressed, you will suffer the worst symptoms, such as perspiration, tingling in your hands, chilly and sweaty hands or feet, disorientation, tachycardia, and even chest pain. We get more of these symptoms after midnight than at any other time of day. 

Your heart rate increases and your heart is unable to pump blood as effectively. The explanation for this is simple: while we can only store a limited amount of fat in our bodies, we can store a large number of emotions such as anger, tension, and anxiety, which circulate throughout the body. 

Healthy people and heart attacks:

The term "healthy" is misinterpreted; gyms and workouts do not equal health. Health is a state of mind in which brain responses are optimal and stress levels are low. High cortisol levels cause a variety of metabolic problems and impair/compromise immunological response. The most essential factors are stress reduction, a good diet and lifestyle, and basic workouts like walking (which reduces stress and helps maintain a steady metabolic rate).

The youth live a fast-paced lifestyle, are stressed from keeping up with the Joneses, and overachieve in order to prove their success. This is contrary to natural laws. The human body is a piece of technology that will break down if abused. Synthetic chemicals modified crops and vitamins are a threat to our meals.

heart attacks or angina

Common reasons for heart attacks:

Genetics: Some people may have a family history of heart disease, increasing their chances of suffering a heart attack.

Lifestyle: Smoking, poor diet, lack of physical activity, and high-stress levels are all unhealthy lifestyle behaviors that might increase the risk of heart attack in young people.

Medical Condition: Medical disorders, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and excessive cholesterol, can all raise the risk of heart attack in young people.

Substance abuse, including tobacco, alcohol, and narcotics, can harm the heart and improve the risk of heart attack in adolescents. Young people must be aware of their heart health and take efforts to lower their chance of having a heart attack, such as keeping a healthy lifestyle, managing medical issues, and avoiding substance misuse. 
If you are concerned about your chance of having a heart attack, you should consult your doctor.

Difference between heart attack and heart failure:

Heart attack and heart failure are two distinct medical conditions that affect the heart, although they may have some overlapping symptoms. Here is an overview of the differences between the two:

Heart Attack:

  • A heart attack occurs when there is a sudden blockage of blood flow to the heart, typically due to a clot in one of the coronary arteries. This can cause damage to the heart muscle and can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.
  • The time it takes to recover from a heart attack depends on the severity of the damage to the heart and the success rate of treatment. Some patients may recover completely, while others may develop complications that last such as heart failure.
Heart Failure:
  • Heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to adequately pump blood, resulting in an accumulation of fluid in the body. This might result in symptoms such as shortness of breath, weariness, leg and foot edema, and a rapid or irregular heartbeat.
  • High blood pressure, coronary artery disease, heart attack, valve abnormalities, and certain medical conditions such as diabetes and obesity can all lead to heart failure.

Common Symptoms of Heart Attack:

1- Severe crushing pain in the chest.

2- It can be silent, as in some cases with diabetes.

3- The patient will feel very anxious and uncomfortable, and he or she may be unable to express what is going on.

4- Excessive humidity and discomfort will occur.

5- The patient may lose consciousness.

angina or heart attacks prevention tips

Does Angina is an attack?

Angina is a type of chest pain produced by a decrease in blood flow to the heart muscles. It is not generally fatal, but it is a symptom that you may be in danger of a heart attack or stroke. It is possible to control angina and reduce the possibility of these more serious problems with medication and healthy lifestyle changes. Angina pectoris, or chest pain, is a medical emergency. 

If rest and nitroglycerin do not relieve symptoms, angina is considered unstable. It is also unstable if symptoms get worse, occur more frequently, or persist longer. These signs could indicate a serious blockage or contraction of a heart artery.

Emergency Tips for a heart attack:

If you suspect you or someone else is having a heart attack, immediate medical attention is critical to preserving life. Call your local emergency number and get the person to the nearest hospital before starting emergency treatment.

In an emergency, heart attack therapy includes:

Swallow an Aspirin: If the patient is allergic to aspirin, this step can be skipped. If not, aspirin is the first line of defense in an emergency. It keeps the blood from clotting, which protects the heart.

Begin CPR: If the Patient Is Unconscious: If the patient has no pulse or is not breathing, begin CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) to maintain blood flow after calling for emergency medical assistance.
The process involves pushing on the center of the patient’s chest fast and hard in a rapid rhythm (at about 100-120 compressions per minute).

Take Nitroglycerin: If the patient has already had a heart attack previously and if the doctor has prescribed nitroglycerin, ask the patient to take it immediately while waiting for medical assistance.

Once the ambulance arrives, the medical team onboard will take the other necessary steps. Until then, it is important to act fast.

Natural ways to prevent risks of cardiac disorders:

Prepare a healthy meal at home! That way, you're going to know exactly what you're eating! There are some really basic recipes that taste fantastic! You can make them in about an hour! You can also cook your way back to health!

1- Consume plenty of plant fiber! Certain foods have been shown to contain the correct type of fiber to literally "scrub" the arteries clean. This takes time and does not happen overnight, but it does happen. If you give the body the correct tools, it has an extraordinary ability to heal.

2- Water-soluble fiber can be found in cereal. It also means that the fiber included in oats can circulate throughout the body. If you have artery problems, this is a must-have. It only takes 1/2 cup of dried oats every day. Make a filling breakfast with maple syrup, currants, sunflower seeds, sea salt, and possibly some milk or butter. Purchase Steel Cut or Old Fashioned Oats.

3- Beans, nuts, and seeds are high in fiber and delicious! They are also high in vitamins, trace minerals, and oils. Beans are a good source of fiber and are simple to prepare; either boil them or buy them tinned and prepared. Beans and Rice is a traditional dish that is simple to prepare and serve.

4- Seasonings and herbs. Herbs and seasonings not only enhance the flavor of our food. They are high in vitamins and minerals! 1 tablespoon of thyme, for example, has 200% of the daily requirement of Vitamin C, as well as Vitamin A, Copper, Iron, and Manganese. This is why herbs and seasonings are used! This is not found in fast food!

5- Do not eat or drink anything with Trans fats, or artificial sweeteners. It has been proven that these artificial substances are toxic to people!

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